

Hi. Oh no, I write a blog for the first time in a while. ブログ書くの久しぶりになっちゃった。 The truth is I had a fight with my boyfriend. 実は、彼氏と喧嘩したんだよね。 I don't still get along with my boyfriend. 今もまだ仲が悪いです。 He…


Hi! It's midnight When(いつ) / Where(どこで) / Who(誰が) / What(何を) / Why(なぜ) / How(どのように) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーー When did you get up today? 今日は何時に起きたの? I got up at 11(eleven). 今日は11時に起きたよ。 Where did you…


Hi. Today is write a blog earliar than usual! 今日はいつもより早くブログを書いてる! I got up at 3:00(thirty). I got up late! I slept a lot. 今日は3時に起きた。 起きるの遅! たくさん寝ました。 I went to RoyalHost for dinner. Where is open …


Hi! It's early morning. When I realized become morning! I can't help a thing recently. I forget sleep tonight by the thing. I shouldn't write the blog at a later time. 最近、寝るのも忘れるくらい夢中になっていることがあって、ブログが後回し…


Hi! It became morning! 朝になっちゃった! I didn't sleep from night, because I'm into internet surfing. And then, I forgot to write this blog! Now, I listening radio while write the blog. 夜から寝てないんだよね、ネットサーフィンに夢中にな…


Hi. I got up at 12. I slept a lot, but I stay up late yesterday. When(いつ) / Where(どこで) / Who(誰が) / What(何を) / Why(なぜ) / How(どのように) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーー When do you going to bed today? 今日はいつ寝るの? - I hope goi…


Hi~~~~~~! Today was hot! Laundry is very dried. 今日は暑かったね。 洗濯物がよく乾いたよ! I got up at 10. I go in building. I go on write this blog! When(いつ) / Where(どこで) / Who(誰が) / What(何を) / Why(なぜ) / How(どのように) ーーーー…


Hi, It's midnight! I went to gym at midnight. Today ran 4km! Recently, I started to practice bridge gymnastics, so as I thought difficult to beautiful from. 深夜にジムに行ってきたよ。 今日は4キロ走った! 最近ブリッジをやり始めたんだけど、…


Hi! I writing blog in bathroom now! I don't soak in the bathtab (take a bath) everyday, so I able to glad to soak in the bathtab (take a bath) today. It's very chill. 今お風呂でブログを書いてます! 毎日は湯船に浸からないので、 今日は湯船に…


Hi. Today's cloudy☁︎ It's kind of chilly. 今日は曇り。 肌寒く感じる。 When I go out from home, I thought I will rain, so I went out with an umbrella. I got on a train from Chofu. I got off the train at 12:00(twelve) in Shinjuku. 家を出ると…


Hi! It's getting cooler. Autumun has come! 涼しいね!秋はもうすぐだよ。 Today is my boyfriend got on a airplane bound for Osaka at 18:00(six) from Haneda airport. I saw you off at Chofu. Time with He was short, but We still felt very happy…


Hi, It's midnight. I shouldn't sleep yesterday. I did it again! 昨日は寝ちゃった! まただよ! I ate dinner with boyfriend at Roppongi. We drank wine for the first time in a while, because He is doing a low carb diet. It's very delicious, s…


Today is last August day! It was early... (But It's already September now.) 8月最終日! これを書いている今は、もう9月なんだよね。 I think, end of August ending is special than end of other month. So, It's influence child memory "summer vac…